Ankur Singh
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering
Affiliation: Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Cornell University
Affiliation: Englander Institute for Precision Medicine, Cornell Medicine, NYC
389 Kimball Hall,
Cornell University
Phone: 607-255-2194
Postdoctoral Fellow

Pamela Graney, PhD.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Drexel University
Research: Biomaterials-based immune organoids and epigenetics
PhD Students

Shivem Bharat Shah
5th-year Biomedical Engineering Ph.D.
Presidential Life Science Fellow
Dept. of Education GAANN Fellow
Research: Immune & Lymphoma Organoids

Regan Stephenson

Matthew Mosquera
BS: Mechanical Engineering, Bucknell University
4th Yr Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
Research: Gut Microbiome, vaccines, and Immunity

Jessica Elmore
5th yr Veterinary Medicine Ph.D.
Sloan Fellow
Co-advisor: Prof. Avery August

Tibra Wheeler
Sloan Fellow
Co-advisor: Prof. Marjolein van der Meulen
Research: Nanogels for anti-inflammatory responses

Sungwoong Kim
4th yr Material Science and Engineering Ph.D.
Research: Dynamic Living Hydrogels for Immune Regulation
B.S and M.S: Hanyang University

Kristine Lai
4th Yr Mechanical Engineering Ph.D.
BS: Mechanical Engineering, University of California at Santa Barbara
Research: Microfluidics for immune tissues

Zhe Monica Zhang
2nd Yr Biological Engineering Ph.D.
Research: Immunoengineering
BS: Boston University
MS Students

Zixing (Vincent) Fan
Research: Ultrasmall nanomaterials
Cynthia Rishi (Biomedical Engineering; Winner of 2018 Engineering learning Initiatives award)
Katie Lee (Biomedical Engineering; Winner of 2017 Engineering learning Initiatives award)
Pooja Reddy (Cell and Molecular Biology; Dean’s Fellow)
Cassandra York (Biological Engineering)
Isaac Macrae (Biomedical Engineering; Winner of 2019 Engineering learning Initiatives award)
Shreya Venkatesh (Mechanical Engineering)
John McMullen Dean’s Scholar
Nicole Felix-Velez (Biological Engineering, Winner of 2019 Engineering learning Initiatives award)
Lab Alumni
Dr. Alberto Purwada
PhD in Biomedical Engineering
Current Position: Analyst at CBPartners CBPartners | A Global Healthcare Consultancy
Dr. FNU Apoorva
PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Current Position: Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer OrthoFit Ergonomic Solutions
Dr. Ye Field Tian
Postdoctoral Fellow
Current Position: Research Scientist at Cleveland Clinic
Rebecca Schneider
BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
Past Position: Research Scientist/Engineer II Dexcom Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Current Position: PhD Student, Chemical Engineering, Georgia Tech
Akanksha Kapoor
MEng: Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: Research & Development Engineer Prosidyan
Gyu-Min Calvin Lee
BS and M.Eng in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: Product Development Engineer at Career
Evelyn Haynes
BS in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: Developmental Engineer,Cephia Valve Technologies
Daniel Leach
BS: Human Ecology, Cornell University
Past Position: Postbaccalaureate Intramural Research Training Award Fellow@ National Institute of Health (2014-2015) )
Current Position: University of FloridaCollege of Medicine Class of 2021
Sanaya Shroff
BS in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: PhD CandidateBiomedical Engineering at Boston University
Sonja Eagle
BS in Biological Sciences, Cornell University
Current Position: MD Candidate at Drexel Medicine Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Peter Gu
BS, Physics; MEng in Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: Research Engineer at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Katrina Lastra
BS: Mechanical Engineering, Cornell University
Current Position: Product Supply Engineer at Procter & Gamble.
Elisabeth Abeles
BS: Arts and Sciences, Cornell University
Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholar
Current Position: MD candidate at Johns Hopkins University
Tina Jing
BS: Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University
Engineering learning initiative Award winner
Current Position: MD candidate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine