12/13/2016 Congrats PhD students Alberto & Shiv! – Their manuscript on “Modular Immune Organoids with Integrin Ligand Specificity Differentially Regulate Ex vivo B Cell Activation” was accepted for publication by
ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng.
October’16 Singh lab expands to 9 PhD students! Lab welcomes 4 new PhD students this year!! Kristine Lai (CornellMAE), Regan Stephenson (CornellBME), Sungwoong Kim (CornellMSE), and Tibra Wheeler (CornellBME)
October’16 Congrats to PhD student Shiv Shah who wine the SASE Rising start award!
October’16 Katrina Lastra and Tina Jing receive the Engineering Learning Initiative Research grants
October’16 Liz Abeles named a Hunter R. Rawlings III Cornell Presidential Research Scholar this year.
06/15/2016 Lab welcomes new PhD student Jessica Elmore! Jessica, a recipient of prestigious Cornell Sloan Fellowship, is co-advised by leading immunologist & our collaborator Prof. Avery August (Chair of Immunology). She will be working in infection and immunity area. Cheers!
06/15/2016 Congrats Singh lab’s Shiv Shah who has been selected for a 2016 Graduate Assistantships in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowship. The fellowship is awarded as a training grant to Cornell’s Meining Schoool of Biomedical Engineering from the US Department of Education. Cheers!
05/18/2016 Prof. Singh received the 2015 Biomaterials Outstanding Paper award from Prof. Kam Leong (Editor-in-Chief of the Biomaterials Journal) at the 10th World Biomaterials Congress in Montreal this past week! The award is in recognition for the development of a B cell follicle organoid which recapitulates the anatomical microenvironment of a lymphoid tissue and thus facilitates the mechanistic understanding of the immune system and has the potential to serve as a model for immunotherapeutic studies.

03/29/2016 Congrats Shiv Shah and Kathleen Rohrbach
on his Honorable Mention recognition for the NSFGRFP fellowship!
03/21/2016 Congratulations to Singh lab. Their seed grant proposals have been selected for funding by the
Cornell Stem Cell Program. Thank you CSCP!
03/21/2016 BME PhD student Shiv Shah joins Singh lab! Shiv is a recipient of prestigious Presidential Life Sciences Fellowship.
03/08/2016 Congratulations to
Alberto Purwada, Ye Tian, and our collaborator
Avery August on the acceptance of our manuscript to Advanced Healthcare Materials!
01/02/2016 Prof. Singh receives a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award to build dynamic living hydrogels! Cheers! See featured article @
Cornell Research
01/01/2016 Lab’s research on immune organs makes top 100 stories of 2015’s “The Year in Science” issue of Discover Magazine! Check out #63.
01/01/2016 Matt Mosquera joins Singh Lab as a new Mechanical Engineering PhD student!
11/30/2015 Prof Singh is the Co-I on a new translational research program grant awarded by the
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Project is on “
Targeting signaling-mediated transcription in T-cell lymphoma.” Project PI is our long standing collaborator, Dr. Leandro Cerchietti at Weill Cornell Medical College. Congrats to the lymphoma team!
11/20/2015 Apoorva and Alberto pass their A-exams! Great start to the holiday season!
09/11/2015 Singh lab welcomes new members
Kathleen Rohrbach (PhD student, MSE, Dean’s Excellence Fellow); Akanksha Kapoor (M.Eng, BME); Evelyn Haynes(Undergraduate Researcher, MAE, working in collaboration with Cephea Valve Technologies)
07/31/2015 Singh lab moved into the new Kimball Hall facility!

06/25/2015 Profs. Singh and Kirby in Mechanical Engineering awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study “Stem Cell Differentiation and Teratoma-forming Potential in hiPSC-derived Neural Cultures”. Thank you NSF for supporting our research!
06/10/2015 Singh Lab’s “immune organoids” covered in Cornell Chronicle, Science Daily, and widely across many other media outlets
“Engineers’ synthetic immune organ produces antibodies” – Cornell Chronicle
“First functional, synthetic immune organ with controllable antibodies” – Science Daily
“Immune Organ Ex Machina a Germinal Prodigy” – GEN
06/01/2015Ph.D. student Alberto Purwada engineers biomaterials-based immune organ! Research published in “Biomaterials” – “Ex Vivo Engineered Immune Organoids for Accelerated Germinal Center Reactions“. Congrats!!
06/2015 μSHEAR™- Stem cell technology developed by Prof. Singh at Georgia Tech is licensed. Read more.
03/2015 Prof. Singh re-elected as the Chair of Immune-engineeringSIG (2015-2017) at the Society for Biomaterials.
01/2015 Postdoc Field Tian creates living tumors: Study published in “Blood” – Integrin αVβ3 acting as membrane receptor for thyroid hormones mediates angiogenesis in malignant T cells.
12/ 2014 Prof. Singh’s collaborative work on “Stimuli responsive, light-triggered Materials” published in Nature Materials.
11/2014 Undergraduate researcher Rebecca Schnieder and our story on “Breaking The Rules to Engineer Human Immune System” featured on Cornell Engineering webpage!
09/2014 Singh lab undergraduate researcher Rebecca Schneiderawarded the Fall 2014 Engineering Learning Initiatives research award. Congrats!
09/2014 Singh invited by the National Cancer Institute of the NIH to present current lymphoma research at the NCI Division of Cancer Biology Strategic Workshop “Prospective Outlook of Mechanics in Oncology“, Rockville, MD (Sep 11-12. 2014)
08/2014 Prof. Singh to give
3 invited talks at the 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (
EMBC’14) to be held from August 26-30, 2014 in Chicago!
08/2014 Congratulations
Alberto for receiving the prestigious
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Med into Grad Scholars Fellowship! We will be studying Multiple Myeloma with our clinical collaborator
Dr. Giorgio Inghirami (Weill Cornell Medical College).
07/2014 Spotlights: Cornell Engineering’s Ankur Singh is among 13 outstanding U.S. scientists recently recognized as
2014 Young Innovators in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. Singh’s peer-reviewed research on “Microscale bioadhesive hydrogel arrays for cell engineering applications” will be published in the journal’s Young Innovators issue and the assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering has been invited to present the work at the 2014 Fall Biomedical Engineering Society Conference in San Antonio, Oct 22–25. Read more at
Cornell MAE Spotlights or
Cornell Engineering News
07/2014 Alberto completes his Summer Immersion training at Weill Cornell Medical College working with
Dr. Sandip Kapur in transplantation surgery! See pics
07/2014 Prof. Singh to give an invited talk on stem cell biomechanics at the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics – Boston, July 10 ’14.
06/2014 Prof. Singh’s work selected in
Nature‘s special collection in stem cell reprogramming!!
05/2014 Singh Lab awarded a $50,000 “2014 Seed Grant for Collaborations Between Cornell University-Ithaca and Weill Cornell Medical College Faculty”- collaboration involving Dr. Ari Melnick from the Weill Cornell Medical College to study blood cancer.
05/2014 Prof. Singh receives his first R21 grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH) and National Cancer Institute (NCI)to engineer biomaterials for B and T cell Lymphomas.
05/2014 Dr. Ye (Field) Tian joins lab as first postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Field!
04/2014 Prof. Singh to present two talks at the 2014 Annual Society for Biomaterials Meeting in Denver, CO.
03/2014 Ravi Patel publishes his first article in IEEE Pulse– Miniature Medicine: Nanomaterials for therapeutic delivery and cell engineering applications. Congratulations Ravi!
03/2014 Prof Singh’s new paper on treating Osteoarthritis accepted for publication in Advanced Healthcare Materials. More details to follow.
02/2014 Prof. Singh elected as the inaugural
Chair of the newly founded
Immune Engineering Special Interest Group at the
Society for Biomaterials (SFB). SIG will have its first face-to-face meeting on Thursday, April 17 from 7:00 – 8:00 am at 2014 Annual Meeting & Exposition | April 16-19, 2014 Denver, CO.
02/2014 Dr. Singh presents research work in two-platform session at the 2014 ASME 3rd Global Congress on Nanoengineering in Biology and Medicine (San Francisco, CA)
01/2014 Alberto Purwada publishes new article in Acta Biomaterialia – “Engineering Vaccines and Niches for Immune Modulation“. Congrats AP!
01/2014 New paper on “High Fidelity Nanopatterning of Proteins onto Well-Defined Surfaces Through Subtractive Contact Printing” published in Methods in Cell Biology.
01/2014 Prof. Singh selected as a recipient of the Rising Star Award for the 2014 Biomedical Engineering Society Cellular and Molecular Engineering Meeting to be held in La Jolla, CA. The theme for this scientific meeting is Multi Scale Mechanobiology – From Morphogenesis to Nuclear Mechanotransduction.
11/2013 Congrats Daniel Leach for being awarded the HEAA research grant!
10/2013 Ravi Patel (ME, PhD.) joins the lab! Welcome!
10/2013 Alberto Purwada (BME, Ph.D.), Peter Gu (MAE, M.Eng) join the lab! Welcome!